If you listen to a group of women talking to each other over drinks, the topic will always turn to sex. And if you pay close attention, you'll realize these girls will always brag (or complain) about their various sex partners.

So this is a warning to you...

...If you're not 'rocking her world', then your lack of lovemaking skills could end up being the next topic of discussion.


The idea that women talk at length about your sexual prowess can be a scary thought.

But there are ways you can stand out and become the best lover she's ever been with.

Now one mistake guys make is to concentrate on discovering the best sexual positions. They think incredible sex starts with putting her in a certain position and then start banging away.

However this is not the solution to great sex.

In order to become a true MASTER at sex, you need to first understand the mistakes you're making in the bedroom and how to correct them.

So if you want to improve your love life, take a close look at some common 'best sexual position' mistakes that are commonly made by guys.

Best Sexual Positions Mistake #1- Thinking faster and harder is the best way

The most common mistake that many guys make is thinking fast sex is the key to pleasing a woman. Due to the growing influence of porn movies, a lot of men think the only way to please a woman is to have hard sex and not pay attention to the bored look in her eyes.

While you might have moments where you have fast-paced sex, you should take your time and focus on pleasing her. Trying to imitate stuff you see in a porno will only make you look like an idiot.

Best Sexual Positions Mistake #2- Sticking to the same old position

A fast way to bore a woman is to put her in the same position every time you have sex. While you might enjoy a certain position, she'll quickly get tired of sex if you do the same thing over and over.

The guys who know the secrets to mind-blowing sex are those who know the importance transitioning into different positions.

Best Sexual Positions Mistake #3- Trying to get fancy

Hey, we've all seen the Kama Sutra. While this guide is filled with tricky sex positions, it's not the best place to learn about lovemaking. What I mean is you shouldn't try to bend her in every conceivable position thinking this will make you her best lover.

You don't have to try anything fancy to become a great lover. Just stick to the standard positions and focus on pleasing her.

Best Sexual Positions Mistake #4- Lying there like a dead fish when she's on top

There are certain times when a woman will be on top in what's considered the dominant position. While you might think this is a great time to "take a break", you have to do some work while she's on top.

For instance, you can use this opportunity to stimulate her erogenous areas and run your hands along her body. As long as you're touching her, she'll love being on top.

Best Sexual Positions Mistake #5- Having fear of being dominant

A lot of guys look at sex with fear and nervousness. If you're afraid of doing or saying something wrong, she'll be instantly turned-off.

For instance, if you constantly ask a woman if she's enjoying herself or if she likes a certain position, she'll probably think you're acting like a wuss. And if you're acting like a wuss in bed, she'll start treating you like a wuss.

While we're attracted to women who act like women, the same goes for the fairer sex. They like guys who act like MEN. So if you act like a supplicating wimp, she'll end up hating sex with you.

In order to become her best lover, you have to know the best sexual positions and avoid the common mistakes that many guys make. By knowing how to please her and cater to her needs, you'll become kind of man that women will tell ALL her friends about.


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